100 days until Christmas 2024!

It’s that day again. A very special day. September 16th.

Six years ago today, I posted a video on the WIP YouTube channel where I built a gingerbread village to celebrate one hundred days until Christmas Day. It was a silly little video, not only because of how I pronounced the word “village” (more like “willage”), but also because I showed the process first in reverse. Also the village wasn’t that pretty.

But I was young and I was having fun.

Unlike today, when I’m younger and having more fun.

I mean, just a gingerbread village? This year, we had rutabaga casserole and rice pudding and gingerbread cookies and Christmas music and a little plastic tree that we decorated and a viewing of The Polar Express. AND I wore a sweater that said

I just want to bake cookies and watch Christmas movies all day.

How does one gingerbread willage compare to that?

Well, perhaps it does, but I don’t really remember much else about that day in 2018.


By today, you should have your act together when it comes to wrapping up the year’s work before Christmas comes. As in, you should have a plan in place. No time for caution anymore.

In case you lost count, you have exactly 100 days left. (Unless you start your Christmas holiday already in the beginning of December, in which case, you’re screwed you have 76 days left.

Because if you’re neurotic like me, Christmas must be earned! You must grind your butt off! You must take the Ring to Mordor! Otherwise, it'll be all for nothing!

RK out.