A better way to take notes

I was working on next week's video series when I noticed I haven't changed my style of taking notes since high school. I mean, I kept the same technique all through university as well, and even now, when school's over, I still do it. It's so effective and superior to all other note-taking techniques that I want to tell you more about it.

So, in one word, I use mind-mapping. I'm sure you've heard of this before. The question is, have you tried it yourself? While different techniques work for different people, I suggest you give it a try, even if you've found plain writing or list making the best way for yourself.

You see, I've tried most techniques, but the only one that allows be to remember literally everything afterwards is mind-mapping.

When drawing a mind-map - writing the topic in the center of the page and then drawing lines from it to different directions, branching out like a tree when certain notes clearly belong to the same subject - creates a visual learning experience. You don't have to have a photographic memory in order to remember what the map looks life after you close your notebook. Not to mention how aesthetically pleasing the whole thing looks like when you're done!

A few recommendations are in order, I think. I tend to start from the upper left corner and work clockwise from there, going back to branch the lines at appropriate times, but you can start at any point and work in any direction you find practical. Use as few words as you can - you'll probably remember the context by one or two words - and end the line where the words end (so that you write the key words above the line). Also, if you can, use colors - like red for core stuff and yellow for additional information - any system you find working will enhance the learning. Draw little pictures and arrows to create cues and connections.

It may not work for you, and it may not work for all subjects, but you'll most likely be amazed how much of the subject you're taking notes on you'll remember afterwards by just seeing the map with your mind's eye.

So if you haven't tried this technique yet, I warmly suggest you give it a shot.