Alignment tools vol 2: brainwashing

I'm a big fan of brainwashing. I do it to myself all the time. The trick is to be mindful of what products you wash your brain with. Negative self-talk washes the brain just as easily as positive self-talk.

Furthermore, the little things you subject yourself to on a daily basis have a fundamental effect on the results of your wash.

So after you've chosen your primary tool you'll use to bring your old self into alignment with your new self, you're ready for the second tool: effective and selective brainwashing products.

The effectiveness aspect can be achieved in one of two ways:

  1. Choose a highly condensed product, meaning that you strongly resonate with it.
  2. Use plenty of product, meaning that you subject yourself to it for a significant amount of time every day.

The selectivity aspect means that you pay attention to the things that you feed to your subconscious. If there is negative self-talk or if you get a negative sensory input (negative as in opposite of the direction you want to go), you notice it right away and take action in the right direction.

If all this sounds awfully theoretical, here's what it could look like in practice:

Someone who wants to have higher self-esteem could listen to videos of confident people talking about how to raise your self-esteem. They could create a self-esteem affirming mantra and meditate with it. They could also write self-esteem affirmations in a notebook to rewrite their subconscious beliefs about their self-esteem. And they could read Nathaniel Branden's books about the psychology of self-esteem and how to raise it.

All this I consider brainwashing.

And I love self-induced brainwashing.

Perhaps because having provocative name like that increases the odds of you believing in it.