Different kinds of days

It's funny: yesterday, I was tired - mentally - and couldn't figure out how I would ever have the energy to set up a new website.

This morning, I was exhausted - physically - yet now I'm happily doing some research on website setup procedures. (The process has somewhat changed since I last had to do this.)

All the while my dog, napping on the rug, keeps farting in his sleep. (My fault probably, for giving him some of my boiled eggs.)

It's not as easy as I thought it would be (both setting up the website and enduring the farts), I'm sure I did something wrong in the process, but I'm also sure that I can fix it somehow (even if it means finding an IT genius and harnessing his intellect).

The point is that there are tired days, weird days, productive days, funny days, and days that smell like fart.

Today is is not maybe is definitely won't be one of them.

RK out (to bang her head against a software wall).