Door No. 13 *WIP Advent Calendar 2023*

Good morning and welcome back to WIP! It's time to open another door in our Advent Calendar 2023. It's December 13th, and the door reveals...

A book recommendation!

As I mentioned before in another calendar entry, I don't really read Christmas literature. (On the other hand, I consider TV shows like The Office and Parks and Rec the ultimate Christmas entertainment.) But I have read excellent literature, and keeping in line with our calendar theme of recommending only quick reads, here's a good and short one:

The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster.

It belongs to the same category of "optimistic, individualistic, and uplifting reading" as Ayn Rand's Anthem. It's a story set in a dystopian future where people live indoors, mainly sit in chairs, and have "ideas" all day... until one young man decides to see what's going on in the outside world.

Highly recommended!