Door No. 7 *WIP Advent Calendar 2023*

Welcome back to WIP's Advent Calendar 2023! We're already on day 7, having had so much fun already for six days. Today, it's December 7th, and the door reveals...

Making an ornament out of wood!

I'm quite good at crafts. I can sew, knit, crochet, fold origami and boxes and whatnot out of paper, and make stuff out of pieces of cardboard and wood. Today's Christmas activity is to make an ornament out of wood.

If you can actually carve wood with a knife, absolutely go for it. I've never even tried, so I might have to do just that.

If you have random pieces left over from other crafts (like I definitely do), saw them into appropriate pieces, sand them, glue them together in a 3D form, and paint or stain the ornament.

If the shape is appropriate for it, attach a cord and hang the finished ornament in your tree!

(And if you're really inept with wood, make pom-poms in festive colors. The Spruce Crafts have really simple instructions you can follow and customize.)


P.S. To enhance the experience, play some carols or ambiance videos in the background and sip mulled wine while crafting!