F5 your life
You can probably guess from the title what this article is going to be about. And I'm not trying to deceive you - it will about refreshing your life, in the deepest sense. Let's see about it.
Since the year is rolling steadily towards its end, and since most people like reinventing themselves around the time New Year's resolutions are written, the opportunity to evaluate one's life and aspirations suggests itself. The important thing to remember here is that you don't put the subject off until New Year's. You need to think about these things beforehand, so that you know what kind of things you'll resolve, or how you'll change your life in the new year. If you're patient enough to wait until then, that is.
Because guess what? You don't have to wait. You can press F5 right now. Right. Now.
The benefits of doing it right away are endless! First of all, making a change on January 1st gives the impression that this is a resolution and it's doomed to fail, like all resolutions. You put way too much pressure on succeeding if you delay it to that date. By starting now, by January 1st you'll have the feeling you've been living the new way for quite some time already, and no omen of doom will hover above your head. You'll also have plenty of time to polish the details, even fail a few times, without feeling that you've done something irreversible.
And it is always, always, better to make the needed and desired change immediately. What if you die during the wait? You never got to experience the change! You spent the rest of your life settling for the worse and waiting for the right time to make things better!
Do it now. Right now. Take pen and paper. Draw the elements of your life. Color-code the things that you're happy with and the things that need changing. Pinpoint the problem areas. Figure out a solution. Execute it.
Now is the time.