Halloween 2023 begins with a grave mistake

Here is the thing.

I know today is Halloween.

And I knew perfectly well that we'd have a party today. We always do, even if the date falls on a weekday.

Yet I made the grave mistake of starting the day by doing laundry.

Before we continue, I must disclose that I first wrote a twenty-something-line rant where I complained about my own idiocy about doing laundry when I knew perfectly well that I'd be tired afterwards.

But this is Worth in Progress.

And this is the new me.

And the new me? Well, she doesn't complain. She doesn't whine. She doesn't have uncontrolled rants!

The new me takes control!

Here's the new plan:

  1. In the next 45 minutes, get all the minimum work stuff for the day done.
  2. After those 45 minutes, go eat a good lunch, probably eggs and mackerel and coconut fudge.
  3. Have another work session at the office.
  4. Go home and enjoy a Hemingway daiquiri while putting up the last of the decorations.

And when it comes to my scary costume... well, perhaps I'll dress up as the old me.