How to go from anxious to secure attachment: levels 1-2

I'm writing a book about anxious attachment. (This might be a good time to admit that every book I have ever written has been in attempt to fix some problem within myself.) While I've come a long way over the years, and the woman who came back from the Dominican Republic was certainly light-years ahead of the old me, there's no harm in enforcing the new attachment style. Furthermore, while my attachment to people is solidly secure, my attachment to other things (like money) still needs improving.

But here's my quick, cookie-cutter solution to anxious attachment, so you don't need to read the book once it comes out:

Be weird.

Not only does this strategy force you out of your comfort zone, it allows you to raise your self-esteem by giving you permission to be exactly who you want to be and enjoy exactly what you want to enjoy. As an added bonus, it scares away the people who shouldn't be in your life (those who want you around not as yourself but as a mirror to themselves).

Now, there's a level 2 to this strategy, here it is, take it, you're welcome:

Own your weirdness.

Be proud of how silly, awkward, different - indeed, weird - you are. You being you and thus different from everyone else truly is your superpower.

As corny as it sounds.