Last day of summer

Disclaimer: this text is somewhat sarcastic and allwhat for myself only. If you're not me, don't read this.


This is your official teaser that greatness is coming.

I've bought a ton of Lego sets this year, after all.

Which reminds me: remind me to tell you about the life paradigm according to which I've lived all year this year.

It's been a great year.

Did I mention I visited Zürich? And Lucerne, and Bürgenstock, and Amsterdam and Zandvoort and Reykjavik and Stockholm? Not to mention the upcoming grand scale trip in October. Work-wise, I've written, produced, and published some books (over 30, haven't really counted). Health-wise, I've swam in a lake every morning all summer, including today. And I can see progress at the gym every day. (And yes, I'm still carnivore.)

I just finished writing my first ever sonnet. Yes, a sonnet, a real Shakespearean one. It's about snails, like all most some of my fiction work. I'm so proud of myself.

As I said: greatness.

And more to come.