My favorite food, autumn edition

It's no secret that I've tried a variety of ways of eating over the years. In my youth, I was omnivorous; in my early twenties, I went crazy for lentils and had them every day. I think there were a few months in 2016 when I was pure vegan (and gained a ton of weight). Then, in 2018, I tried paleo and keto, and in 2019, I went for the carnivore diet.

Now, don't get me wrong. I freaking love vegetables. I think they're delicious as hell. If I could, I'd eat nothing but lentil stew and oven roasted veggies with avocado salsa for the rest of my life. But I can't. My problem with vegetables is that once I have them, I can't stop eating - and I'll get bloating and gas and body odor and mood issues and weight gain.

That's why beef, eggs, and butter form the majority of what I eat on any given day. I can have small amounts of anything (except soy products and unpasteurized cheese), and I do enjoy a little bit of commercial ice cream here and there (though I prefer to make my own ice cream), but I stay healthy and happy when I have more animal products than other things every day.

For example, yesterday, I had my favorite dish at all meals: my famous beef-egg thingy, which I first shared here in the Christmas calendar of last year. I have since tweaked the recipe a little and included a little autumnal hack to make it extra tasty. Here it is:

RK's staple beef-egg thingy recipe for one, -24 autumn edition:


  • ground beef, amount of choice, anything from 2 oz to 1/2 lb
  • 2 eggs
  • butter
  • a handful of freshly edible mushrooms of choice


  1. Wash the mushrooms if needed and cook in butter (in a pan, on the stove) for a few minutes (they should begin to shrink as water evaporates).
  2. Add the beef and cook it with the mushrooms. For extra deliciousness, wait for the Maillard reaction. Set the mixture aside in a bowl.
  3. Prepare the eggs: break them into a bowl and whisk lightly with a fork until even.
  4. Make scrambled eggs: melt butter in a pan, add the eggs, and stir gently with a spatula until scrambled. When the eggs are cooked thoroughly, turn off the heat.
  5. Add the beef-mushroom mixture to the eggs and stir gently.
  6. Plate and serve with butter.  

My personal favorite mushroom is the chanterelle. It's delicious and it's available locally where I live so I use it to make this dish. I recommend it.

RK out (probably to eat this for lunch).