Dizziness is a waterslide from another dimension | Random Quote Analysis #1

I thought it would be a fun series here on WIP if I made an artificial intelligence tell me 10 quotes and I would analyze them in a philosophical and/or humorous fashion. So I went on InspiroBot and took the first 10 the bot generated. Here's the first.

Dizziness is a waterslide from another dimension.

(I may have cursed myself a little when realizing how idiotic and unanalysable some of the bot quotes sound. But hey, it's a challenge, so here goes. Don't take it too seriously.)

The quote suggests that the feeling of lightheadedness you sometimes have, perhaps right after waking up, or after hitting your head, or after having a little too much alcohol, has a deeper meaning than just being a symptom of one of these three things. It is, in fact, an unstoppable and uncontrollable spiral movement downwards towards a pretermined exit point, without including any physical change in position. The other dimension from which the feeling arises could be any of the three spatial dimensions, or some imperceptible dimension not mentioned here. Let's assume it's the most logical one of the ones we can reliably talk about - the time dimension.

So the lightheadedness originates from another time, the future or the past. It could be either one. If it's from the past, it was probably induced by one of the three etiologies mentioned above, or perhaps the sudden realization of a new perspective on a past event. If it's from the future, it probably indicates the inevitable approach of an extremene event - something either dreadful or wonderful is soon to happen in such a way that you need to react to it.

The emphasis must be, however, put on the allegory of the waterslide - as mentioned above, a waterslide causes the externally controlled but internally uncontrolled spiral downward movement from one location to a predetermined exit point. As nothing moves physically, this is a metaphor for being the passive subject of circumstances that move you around regardless of your will. Both the spirality of the movement and the downward direction indicate a negative change in the event; once you were on top of things, high above the ground, controlling your location - now you're losing it all. But the waterslide cannot last forever - it ends somewhere, and the higher you were originally, the larger the net change in altitude will be at the exit. The slide decides when you get out, but when you do, you control your location and mobility again.

So, perhaps the quote is trying to warn against drinking alcohol or hitting your head? Unless, of course, you like waterslides and not being able to control your mobility, in which case drink all the booze you can find.


Quote generated and image captured from InspiroBot.