Report on my pudding experiment

I mentioned the other day my current hypothesis of the effect protein pudding has had on my mood and ability to meditate properly. I quit the protein puddings for a few days. Here’s what I noticed:

1. My mood improved noticeably.

2. The culprit could be either the artificial sweeteners in the pudding (because they had to be sugar free as per my fall 2024 resolve), or the dairy itself.

I’ve had problems with casein before, so the milk protein in the pudding could have an effect. Yesterday, I decided to test this by having a mousse made with heavy whipping cream and quark, as well as my homemade lingonberry ice cream made with heavy whipping cream. Notes:

1. I slept quite poorly and woke up looking horrible.

2. My mood plummeted.

So, to update my current hypothesis:

It’s not necessarily the artificial sweeteners, but the milk protein, perhaps even milk fat that’s causing the mood issues.  

Luckily, my homemade lingonberry ice cream can be made with coconut cream as well (1:1 substitute).

I’ll go for a few days without dairy and report back.

RK out (probably to make the ice cream with coconut cream).