Sit tight and wait it out

Have you ever watched the 2001 miniseries Band of Brothers? If you haven't, I seriously suggest you give it a go. While modern TV shows can be well made and even addictive (like Westworld, ahem), BoB has some quite interesting points about living and how to go about it. Psychologically.

The show, depicting true events as accurately as possible, is about a group of soldiers who form the Easy Company. They are trained to be parashooters in the US and then shipped to Britain to take part in the invasion of Normandy in June 1944. Sometimes they take part in military operations like seizing enemy cannons or taking hostages, sometimes they engage in battle, and sometimes they just move from one place to another.

And then, at winter, they sit in foxholes in a forest to hold the line, while enemy artillery crashes everything around them, trying to force them to move.

This is an important point in the series. These men have had hell in their hands, if not from the training camp then from the moment they landed in France. They've seen their friends die. They've been injured (mostly in the butt) and hungry and cold. People could go insane for a lot less. And now, they cannot do anything except sit in the foxholes and hold the line. They don't have the manpower or the winter clothing or the artillery to move forward. All they can do is sit tight.

You can say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going, but if there's no way forward, at least for the time being, just sit tight and wait it out. Don't back out. Just sit tight. That's all you need to do for now.

Soon enough, some variable changes, be it the enemy armament or your own or some environmental factor. And you can go forward again. (Like today when I tried making DIY almond butter. Nothing substantial happened in the first 10 minutes, it was just flour and aggregate. Then, at the 11 minute mark, it had turned butter. How about that.)


P.S. BoB is also great fun for spotting actors who went on to make a career after the show.