Starting with... fall 2023 reading list

Greatness is here! Meaning autumn! Meaning the glorious time to bust your butt to earn Christmas! (I never change.)

On top of multiple work projects, I shall read these weird little things called "books".

Speaking of work projects - there are two kinds of people in the world: those who thrive when they have multiple projects going on simultaneously, and those who perform best when they have one single project to focus all their energy on. I'm one of the first kind. (I even wrote a book about it.)

Back to topic, aka books. With spectacular fanfare, here is my fall 2023 reading list:

  1. Dracula by Bram Stoker.
  2. Faust by J. W. von Goethe.  

And that is it. I could have added The Call of Cthulhu (as autumn is the best time for horror stories) but I went and read it already.

If there's time, I might try to finish Les Miserables as well, though it's obviously a summer read and not an autumn one.

In December, I shall read Truman Capote's A Christmas Memory.

And in January, perhaps The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It sounds like the perfect winter read. Though I definitely AM getting ahead of myself by talking about January 2024.

First, work, books, and autumnal coffee drinks.

RK out.