Stocking up on Christmas chocolates begins

As per my autumn 2024 principle of not eating any added sugar, I haven't had any added sugar for 13 days now. What a stupid sentence, and not only because it kind of repeats itself, but also because I did have a pumpkin spice latte about a week ago that probably had some sugar in it, but I decided it doesn't count that because I didn't see the ingredients list.

Which also sounds a bit dumb, because by the same logic, I could have all the sugar in the world in the form of desserts bought at coffee shops and restaurants. I don't, though. I consider those off-limits.

But the pumpkin latte is not. For some reason. I have no idea.


One might think that cutting out (99.9% of) my added sugar intake would have completely shed my sweet cravings, and that I wouldn't have a daily drool at the sight of first Christmas sweets now hitting the stores. However, I have managed to avoid this dreadful scenario by making my own ice cream and having some added-sugar-free protein pudding to keep my sweet tooth alive.

Ergo, I have a daily drool at the sight of the Christmas sweets now hitting the stores.

Which is wonderful, because buying them and then looking forward to having them in December is at least half the fun. (Although, based on historical data, when the sweets finally make contact with my taste buds, they might turn into ash.)

So far, I've bought a box of mulled wine flavored jellies and some salty toffee chocolates.

Doesn't sound like much, but it's just the start. And it's only September!

RK out.