Sunday notes to self

It's time for some random notes again. Because sometimes you just have to make random notes. Perhaps they can capture a moment in time.

  1. I seem to have finished work too early this year. I'm almost done and there are still four days left before my holiday starts.
  2. According to my accurate calculations, there are seven advent calendars in my household, ready for December. So, obviously, I need at least one more.
  3. Part of the definition of the Übermensch is that he doesn't feel guilty. At all. For anything. #goals
  4. The human object not only might be able to access source code. The more I think about it, the more probable this ability seems.
  5. I think I will take the rest of the evening off. Nothing sounds as good right now as eating some beef and eggs, reading some Calvin and Hobbes - and straightening my hunched back.

I need to figure out something to do for the next four days, though. Waiting for Friday with nothing to do takes forever.