Super-June projects

A few days back I published a video about how I finished my Super-May and how I'm thinking about making June into a super month as well. There's just something about super months! You get to push yourself to the limit, feel good about yourself, and enjoy the rewards. Things get done, and your life progresses. There's simply no reason not to do it.

So, for Super-June, here's what I'm thinking:

The tasks

  1. Start writing my next book and have at least three writing sessions per week.
  2. Avoid dairy (as I totally overboarded with it a couple of days back).
  3. Develop an old project further.
  4. Develop another old project further.
  5. Take a new project to its halfway point.
  6. Keeping up with WIP articles and videos as before - publishing one of each per day.

The reward

  1. A staycation with my partner in one of our favourite hotels in a nearby city. (No food rewards this time.)

I have a little more than 2 weeks to complete the tasks - so not until the end of the month, only until the 20th - and deserve that staycation that I know will be awesome. Having already booked the hotel helps motivate me even more. Somehow the idea of having the staycation without having earned it decreases the awesomeness of the trip, so I positively need to make sure I finish all the tasks.

I reckon my Super-June will be hard. And I reckon I'll finish it in the nick of time yet again. But I'll try my best to get that amazing feeling of achievement if and when I succeed.