The first real autumn storm hits

Yes, I'm a broken record, but I love the last four months of the year. The first eight, not so much. Although I must admit that in the last couple of years, summer has become a sort of waiting period for fall. This has allowed me to enjoy it more - because I see it as a mandatory inferno just before the best season starts. (I wish that feeling started already in June, though, but it doesn't. It's been more of an August thing so far.)

Of course, now the inferno is long gone and September has already passed and we're already well into October and I'm enjoying every second of this.

Especially whenever it's dark and windy and rainy.

Especially especially when there's an autumn storm that takes down power lines and floods streets and makes life difficult for everyone, including our dog, who absolutely and unequivocally refuses to do his business outside during the slightest rain, let alone a storm.

But I'm happy. Maybe I'm the only one. I don't care. My heart is bursting with happiness. How could it not, in a moody Slytherin weather like this?

RK out.