The 'What would be totally awesome?' mindset
I realize that I perhaps have talked too much about yoga lately. I can't really blame myself, though. Yoga has been immensely beneficial when it comes to developing my balance, moving my body with control, inner peace, and so on. But let's talk about something else for a change.
Back two years ago before I retired aka when I was still in a profession dictated by my university degree, I would dread mornings. I would open my eyes in the morning and immediately start to prepare my soul for a day of slow dying. Needless to say I tried to sleep and stay in the bed as long as possible.
That's no life!
I agree with Hal Elrod, the author of The Miracle Morning, that it would be so cool if every morning felt like Christmas morning - that you'd jump out of bed, ready for the day, superbly excited. I actually tried his method, the one that's supposed to guarantee that Christmas morning feeling, back when I was still in my soul-killing job. It didn't work, though, and I was angry at Elrod for making me a sucker, although the problem wasn't with the method, it was that I had the wrong job.
So Elrod's method might work just fine, amazingly even, if you're in the right job. In other words, I should try it now, with my dream job. Since my life is pretty darn awesome as it is, there's good soil for the method to make it even more darn awesome.
However, in the meantime, I've tried to think of every day as in, What would be totally awesome to do today?, or What could I do today that would make today totally awesome? Do not underestimate the words totally and awesome put together. They send a powerful message, at least for me.
You can think about it the night before even, so that when you wake up, you'll already be overly excited and fly out the bed like Stupendous man. (Calvin and Hobbes reference. Been reading those too much lately. Sorry.)
You can also think about it in the morning, right when you wake up, or right now, regardless of the time of day and what shortcomings you've already faced today. Ask yourself: what would make today totally awesome?
For me, right now, today... writing a WIP article, upcycling some old clothes, go on a bike ride, have a productive work session, doing yoga, having cold brew coffee, to start with. Perhaps there isn't enough time to do everything, especially if your list is long or unrealistic, but at least you'll be pursuing the totally awesome day.