What I'm reading right now

My problem is that I read some books. In June/July, I spent my days stretched out on the office couch, reading Ayn Rand. Lately, though, I've felt like she doesn't cut it anymore, so I've compiled a massive stack of books onto my desk to be read parallel to Rand, each a few pages each day.
Here are they:
- You Are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Fun fact: I bought this book in London at a store on Oxford street. It remains to be seen if this one lives up to Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself which, as I've probably mentioned at least once before, is THE book to read if you want to change anything about yourself.
- The Sleeper Awakes by H. G. Wells. I'm not sold on the narrative style, but the idea of a man sleeping for 200 years and then waking up to see that he owns the world is intriguing. (Wells' idea of the future, which he envisioned in 1899, is interestingly different from where the world seems to be going now, 125 years later.)
- The Koran. I finished reading the Bible, so naturally, this comes next. I had no idea that it would revolve around the Bible as much as it so far seems to!
- You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero. WIP has been constantly promoting my 2022 article on this book (because of the overuse of tags) in the footer of every other article, which started to bug me, which prompted me to read said article - which made me pick up the book again. What can I say, the 2022 me is quite the salesman.
- A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander et al. I've become kind of an expert on pattern language and the timeless way of building, having read extensively on the subject, and this one is the most straightforward, concise book of all of them. I like to read it and re-read it all year round. (If you hate your house and can't figure out why, hire me as a consultant - I'll be able to see everything that kills the spirit of your house and draw up plans to turn your house into a living, breathing, soulful home.)
- A physics book; I'm revising my basic physics knowledge.
- A math book; I'm revising my basic math knowledge.
Then there's Faust Part Two and Les Misérables, but man, who has the time?
RK out.