A Framework for Making 2022 the Best Year Ever

. 1 min read

Some people say you should live each day as if it were your last. Some say you should eat dessert first. Some say you should eat your head.

I say: live each year as if it were your last.

If your life is hard, thinking it'll be over in a year will make it easier.

If you love life, you'll love it even more.

If your life is boring, you'll get an insurmountable urge to fill it with exciting activities.

If you're afraid of using money, you'll shed that fear and use your money freely.

If you have irrational obsessions controlling your life, those will be extinguished by your new sense of meaning.

Thinking that this is the last year you'll get will drive you to make this year the best ever.

Such an elegant framework, don't you think?