Hello to you! I'm RK, the author and photographer of Worth in Progress. I post articles and videos on specific topics that revolve around philosophy, psychology, and personal growth. I've read tons of literature ranging from all-time classics to less known newcomers in order to gain a vaster perspective of the world and life itself and this site is my effort to find and share the most important points with you. I myself also have developed some handy tips for creating a better life and I'm eager to tell you about them.
So I'll be talking a lot about books. If you think reading is a waste of time, or if you just don't have time for it, it's okay - I'll tell you what you need to know to seem like you have read it. Then again, if you're an avid reader, it's more than likely you don't always agree with what I say, and even if you do, you may have found an angle I haven't considered. Nonetheless, comments are always welcome. And if you prefer email, see the Contant section.
I've done my fair share of progressing in my life and that inspired both starting the site and the name of it. I know there really is worth in progress, even if the work never ends. I'm interested in hearing what kind of progress you've gone through, and if you have noticed any interesting patterns occuring during it. Again, comments and email are welcome.
I also produce daily videos for Worth in Progress's Youtube channel, check that out as well!
If you're wondering what gear I'm using, I have a Canon 80D and a 50 mm lens for the pics. In the videos I use a wider angle lens and a tripod.
Keep calm and progress!