Today is 30th of April. I can't believe how fast April has gone by - all awhile it seems like the beginning of the year has lasted a lifetime. To celebrate the last month of the spring and to make the most of it as it goes, let's make May 2019 a super-May.
A super-May means that you push yourself to your limits during the month. You schedule your life. You start and finish new projects and complete old ones. You live healthily and expect peak performance from yourself. You cut out all unnecessary activities like watching TV and spending time on social media.
And then, on June 1st, you can relax and reward yourself. (I'm thinking sipping sparkling rose with blackberries on the balcony.)
So what are you going to do? How will you perform this super-May? In what way shall you earn that June 1st?
Here's what I'm thinking for myself - just to give and example and perhaps inspire you to think of a lit of your own:
- Eating eggs, salmon, and potassium-rich vegetables every day.
- Drinking water with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice every day.
- Working on a new project for a few hours at least thrice a week.
- Posting an article and a video on WIP every day.
- Doing HIIT exercise twice a week.
- Hitting an important milestone on an old project.
- Finishing an old project.
Now that I look at the list, it sounds like a lot! But May has 31 days. And with adequate planning and scheduling and deadlining, you can get anything done in that time.