From the beginning of Worth in Progress, the philosophy has been to pursue progress and to see worth in progress as an end in itself. Becoming better, acting better, choosing better has been at the core of the ideology. Today, however, during a yoga practice, I discovered an opposing idea: that you already are the person you want to become; that you already have everything you want.
On one level, I get it. The potential is there. You could, theoretically, get up right now and do a pull-up even if you've never done a pull-up in your life.
On the other hand, if you haven't done something - reached a specific goal, for example - then you haven't done it, and no amount of positive thinking ot controlled breathing or chanting namaste will change it, unless your goal is to chant namaste. You have to do it. You have to take action and do the work in order to get things done.
So which is it? Are you working towards an end goal, or are you already there?
I guess the idea of completeness is exclusive to yoga. In other words, when you're doing yoga, you're not doing it to get better at it or to become the best yogi, because it's a practice, not a progress towards some ideal. You already are a yogi, and there aren't any higher levels of yogi, just the one.
Outside of yoga, it might differ. However, I don't think it's a bad idea to think and act as if you already have what you want and are the person you wish to become. Perhaps the fake it til you make it or The Secret mentality works.