Door No. 18 *WIP Advent Calendar 2023*

. 1 min read

Good morning and welcome back to WIP! Today is another Advent Calendar opening day, of course. And the surprise is indeed a delicious one!

On December 18th, the door reveals...

RK's staple beef-egg thingy recipe!

The name is weird, I know. But I don't know what else to call it, especially since the word I use for it in my native language doesn't have an English translation. It doesn't matter, though - all that matters is that it's delicious and wonderful!


  • 1/2 lb ground beef
  • 2 eggs
  • butter
  • seasonings, to taste, optional (chopped onion, scallions, salt, pepper, whatever you want)


  1. Mix the eggs in a bowl with a fork. Set aside.
  2. Cook the beef in a little bit of butter.
  3. When the beef is cooked, create a crater in the middle, add butter there, and pour the egg mixture in. Cook it inside the crater, mixing slowly and constantly. When the eggs aren't runny anymore and they begin to resemble scrambled eggs, mix the beef from the edges into the eggs.
  4. Add optional seasonings to taste. (I don't use any.)
  5. Plate and serve with a slice of butter.
  6. Enjoy!

This dish basically kept me alive for those 10 days of suffering in November. I ate it every day, sometimes even several times a day. (And somehow still managed to lose weight.)

I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do!