Enter summer mode

. 1 min read

Within the past few of days, every non-evergreen tree in my city has got leaves.

Therefore, everywhere I look, it's bright green. Overwhelmingly green. Summer green.

Ergo, it's summer.

I usually don't agree to call any day before June summer, but now, I feel like it's been so hot and green and summery recently that I can't just ignore it anymore. Especially now that we had the first thunderstorm of the year today. The environment and the climate have infiltrated my mind and affected my subconscious programming.

What's more, I don't seem to dislike the idea of summer this year. Normally I would dread the heat and the mosquitoes and the sunstrokes and the feeling of death. But now, I'm fine. More than fine, actually.

You see, I notice I'm beginning to think of the summer like a child would - that it's exciting time, adventure time. School's over. You get to spend your days however you want.

And I must say, after months of recurring feelings of work related guilt, this is an extremely refreshing change!

I'm entering this new summer mode where every day is full of opportunity to do all kinds of fun stuff. Exploring the forest in pouring rain. Buying plants for the balcony. Reading lots and lots of books. Swimming in the sea. Drinking cold brew coffee on a roadtrip. And working however much I want!

Despite the risk of jinxing it, let me say it: this could be the best summer of my life.

It could be because of my best year ever project mentality. Or because I've gone to the gym and swimming in the sea at 5 am for a few mornings now. Or because I've finally learned to let go.

Maybe it's not my doing at all. But I don't care. I'm just glad I have it.


P.S. Against my better judgement, I'm really starting to like the movie Tenet.