Freedom and fear: a personal account, part 2

Though I have written two books (at least? Haven't counted) about detachment and letting go of the need to control outcomes, I must admit that I'm no master.

I fear.

I fear a lot.

Though this might be the old me speaking.

The new me would either really detach... or accept nothing less than what she wants, or more. (This or better.)

But the old neural pathways are still there, and I fear, I fear the cage and the pit from the bottom of which there's no climbing out; I fear irreversible life decisions, I fear things I can't control, and I fear I will willingly take all the necessary steps to this cage, this pit.

Do I honor the fear? Do I interpret it as intuition, something mystical telling me to watch out?

Or do I override the fear, call it mere silliness, and acknowledge that it's I who gets to decide if the cage is a cage, if the pit is a pit?


P.S. Part 1 of Freedom and fear can be found here.