Halloween 2022 has new tricks

. 1 min read

How ironic is it that in 2019, I made a video about how you should NOT dress up as a pumpkin for a Halloween party... and this year, I dressed up as one. Or at least I had one on top of my head. And between the pumpkin and my head was a silvery wig.

So there! I went against my own advice and didn't dress up as my ideal self for our Halloween party! God forbid!

Anyway, this wasn't at all what I was supposed to talk about. You see, I've been a hardcore Christmas person for most of my adult life. My partner and I go to extremes in December. We have our own peculiar traditions which we've built together over the years. We go completely overboard with lights and decorations and trees and chocolates and The Office US. Christmas is our crazy time.

Or was, until this Halloween, when we decided to go all out and decorate our home with the most ridiculous amount of Halloween decorations ever. We had pumpkin lights and spiders and bats hanging from the ceiling. And basically every normal piece of furniture was covered in fake spiderweb.

This all came quite out of nowhere, since I've never been that much of a Halloween person, safe for the psychological effects I've discussed before.

And when it comes to not dressing up as my ideal self, well, maybe I've come so far that my dreams don't really differ that much from who I am now.

Which sounds both conceited (because I'm far from ideal) and sad (because I have no dreams anymore).

Maybe, to avoid an existential crisis, I'll drop the whole psychology act and just decide that Halloween is about fun, not about personal development.