Highlights of 2024 so far

. 2 min read

Yes, it's only September 10th, but who cares, let's already reflect back on the year and list some highlights! After all, Christmas day is only 106 days away. And by the time we get to 100 days (so, quick math, in six days), we should have our rest-of-the-year projects figured out. So let's highlight!

  1. My "spend 500 bucks a day for nine consecutive days" challenge from January. What can I say - the year started off with a bang. (And with some Lego sets.)
  2. In March, my sister and I went to see a Dracula ballet. We drank cocktails from blood bags in our impromptu before party and wore silk capes to the show. She even had blood drop shaped jewelry! Not to mention that the ballet was amazing.
  3. Summer was an eventful time. Let's start with our trip to London. We saw our Brazilian friends, ate red velvet cake at Harrods, and generally just walked around for hours and hours. I fell in love with London again, after years of dislike.
  4. Then, in late June, we got to take our puppy home. He was the sweetest and most vulnerable little thing for the first week; we had to sleep on the couch so that if he woke up in the middle of the night, he wouldn't feel alone and abandoned. (Now he's the devil himself. And a massive tick magnet. You wouldn't believe.)
  5. In July, after learning to draw for the first half of the year, I found out that I had passed the entrance test of an architecture school. Psychologically speaking, this is no insignificant thing: I had actively and consciously (how dumb can you get) told myself all my life that I can't draw, and now, I had learned to draw well enough to become an architect. In six months, no less!
  6. Yesterday, my partner and I talked about getting a bigger apartment (you know, with the dog and all). Today, we went to see some listings. Five minutes ago, I contacted the agent and told her that we'd be interested to move in one. Things happen so fast!

When it comes to the rest of the year (only 3.5 months to go, yikes), here are some things I look forward to happening:

  1. Moving into said bigger apartment perhaps..? And decorating the place with wall molding and a velvet couch and luxurious curtains and oriental rugs and one of those TV's that look like art... Oh hell, what have I become?
  2. A trip to the summerhouse tomorrow. Yes, I know it's technically autumnhouse since we rarely visit it in the summer. But it'll be a welcomed couple of days of barbecue, swimming, boating, barbecue, reading, listening to birds, and barbecue. Not to mention all the meats we'll be cooking and eating.
  3. Fall foliage and walks in crisp autumnal air. (And perhaps enjoying said foliage and air on the penthouse balcony of our new apartment..?)
  4. Our yearly 100 days until Christmas party. Epic every year.
  5. Stocking up on Christmas chocolates throughout the fall, from the moment they hit the stores.
  6. Our all-December Christmas holiday, obviously. (I'll do nothing but watch The Office in my pajamas and stuff my face with those aforementioned chocolates we've managed to buy too many of. And perhaps decorate the Christmas tree - or all four of them, in case we get that bigger apartment that can house them easily..?)
  7. New Year's party: champagne, caviar, and some particular songs that we only listen to at New Year's.

Ahh! My only regret is blowing the best day of my life while I'm so young.

RK out.