How to make the most out of May

. 1 min read

Do you remember what you did a year ago, in May 2019? Did you work on projects? Did you develop yourself? Did time fly by, or slow down drastically?

Personally, I remember May 2019 very distinctively. It was a most interesting month. Because of this.

Indeed - I remember an entire month from a year ago because it was so memorable. I made life hard for myself. I worked a lot, exercised, and ate well.

So it's beyond obvious and totally awesome that I shall do the same this year, next month, May 2020. Although not the same things. And not the same projects. New ones. Ones that inspire me at the moment.

Let's see...

  1. Eat well: eggs every day and mainly unprocessed foods.
  2. Go for a 10-minute run every morning and do a 2-week ab challenge.
  3. Write the 2nd drafts for two novel manuscripts.
  4. Start working on the third novel of 2020.
  5. Found another online shop.
  6. Publish a WIP article every other day and make at least one video for the YouTube channel.
  7. Pick up and dust off an old project.

(And damn, if I manage all this, I'll deserve a hell of a lot better than a bad makeover.)

In a word, make this May as impossible for you to get through as possible.