How to shed unnecessary past trauma

. 1 min read

I read Dr. Joe Dispenza's excellent book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, last summer, doing the gradually building meditation technique in parallel with reading. I chose the things in my psyche that I wanted to quit the habit of being and applied the meditation to them. And lo and behold, those things I wanted to shed simply dissolved into thin air.

Therefore, the best advice I could give at the moment to anyone wishing to get rid of incessant dwelling on past trauma is to do Dispenza's meditation. If done right, just one session could allow you to let go of painful memories. It's crazy. It works like magic.

Another thing that Dispenza's meditation promises to help you do is create a new self. This part I had some trouble with, as I had no idea who it was that I wanted to shift into when I did the meditations last summer. But I see no reason why it wouldn't work if you do know.

(There was one instance, though, after one session where I was rehearsing being more serene, a stranger asked my help with something, and quite unexpectedly the voice that came out of my mouth was more refined, almost literary, and calm and peaceful - the polar opposite of how I usually speak. It was wild and surprised me completely.)