I realized what it means to be rich

. 1 min read

When I came back from the Caribbean, two things happened:

  1. I became a whole new person, and
  2. I realized that rich is not a bank account statement, but a state of mind. (A cliche, I know.)

The first thing we've discussed extensively here on this site.

The second, however, is something I still keep realizing. The idea first dawned on me in the plane home from Frankfurt where we had a layover. The plane was very small and crowded and cramped. Before, I would have been worried that the below-averageness of the plane would have a negative impact on my subconscious - that my subconscious would interpret the low quality and small size of the plane as me being poor. Instead, sitting in the plane, I felt something like serenity and grace. I felt like I didn't need to prove my subconscious anything, because I knew that my ability to understand the plane as a means to get back home is a far better indicator of richness than any business class seat in a Boeing 747 could ever be.  

This same mentality hit me even stronger this weekend, when I realized that richness isn't living in a mansion, but the way I live in any house.

Serenity and grace makes you appear rich not only to your own subconscious, but to others as well.

I wonder in which area of life I'll get hit by this idea next.