I'm Not Burning Out, You're Burning Out

. 1 min read


I usually get so much work done at this café.

Today, though, I'm starting the same book over and over and end up deleting the whole thing because I don't have enough to say.

I script two other books. It's productive. Or it just looks like it. Because I feel no inspiration to write either of those.

I just want to rest today.


I'm not burning out, am I?

Now is not the time to burn out. Now is the time to work my butt off to earn Christmas. I can't do this now. I have to work. I can't burn out now, I just can't. I can do it in December.

...except that I totally can NOT do it in December. I have too many holiday things to enjoy then.

So do I push against the fatigue? Assume that it'll be a fight from now until November 30th? It might not be such a bad idea. The holidays would definitely feel incredible after such a pain.

There has to be a better way, though. I'm an optimist, after all. I can make this go away by just thinking it away. And by doing yoga and other self-care activities. I can also think inspiration into existence. Right?


I have infinite energy and inspiration. I will finish the year's work with ease. I can do anything effortlessly.

(Maybe I just need a moment to regroup.)