Is it weird if I start Christmas shopping in August? (part 2)

. 1 min read

On August 30th, 2018, I posted a video about ways to tackle depression. I've since then made all my videos unavailable on YouTube so I won't take offence if you don't remember it. What I'm trying to get at is that in the beginning of that video, I asked if it was weird if I started Christmas shopping in August.

A few things:

  1. I was so cute and innocent and terrible at pronouncing English back then. Also my eyes looked like those of a skeleton. (I was almost underweight.)
  2. The five tips I shared were clean food, exercise, charity work, getting good at a new hobby, and journaling. Sounds like I was quite... naive six years ago. I might have to update this tip list.
  3. If I start Christmas shopping now, it'll be almost a full month earlier than in 2018 - which could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on a few key factors. These key factors are:

    a. If I start now, will I finish all the preparations too soon, leaving no fun stuff for December?
    b. Is it just gift shopping, or will I buy decorations and chocolates and all?
    c. Am I still so neurotic that I analyze the risks of early Christmas shopping before making a decision about it?

Having put it that way, I must conclude that I can start Christmas shopping anytime I want, as long as I don't overanalyze it.

It might be weird, but hey, I am weird.

RK out.