It took four weeks to forget why I do what I do

. 1 min read

Do you ever get a feeling that you don't know anymore why you do what you do, why you chose this particular line of work?

Since publishing The Numbing Effect a month ago, I've been working on multiple books at once as an experiment. I wanted to know if I would get more done if I was writing more than one book at a time. So, instead of publishing one book per week, I was to publish four books after four weeks.

Sounds good enough on paper. And I do admit that having several ongoing projects allowed me to access more of my willpower - because even if I was tired of one book, I could still have loads of energy for another. What's more, I was on schedule.

What I did not take into account was that in four weeks, I could forget why I'm in this business in the first place.

While I of course still enjoyed writing and knew that my work and I were a good fit, what I managed to forget was the feeling of shipping. I've talked about this finishfinishfinish mentality before, and I know how important it is to finish and ship regularly - but I guess I forgot.

Then, yesterday, I published two of the books, one of which is The Pendulum: Existing Between the Fear of Life and the Fear of Death.

And I remembered. I remembered how it feels to ship.

It's freaking amazing.

So I learned a lesson and perhaps now I won't forget anymore how important it is to ship regularly. I'll go back to the schedule of writing one book at a time and getting it out in the world as fast as possible. And after shipping each book, I'll let go of it and move on to another one.

Note to self: remember to ship. Regularly.