Latest recipe blog finds

Online recipe blogs are great. Safe for the ads, though. I don't enjoy the ads as they make my ancient laptop load the sites very slowly, but I understand they are there to support the author and allow them to create more free recipes for me. Also I've learned to ignore them for most part.
While I still regularly check out my old favorites - All Day I Dream About Food, I Breathe I'm Hungry, The Big Man's World, and Gnom-gnom, I haven't really cooked or baked dishes from them lately. I've been craving new inspiration, and to chase it, I've watched a ton of Gordon Ramsay's recipe videos on YouTube and stumbled upon a few more recipe blogs. Three have stood out so far for their quality of photography, brilliant use of cauliflower, and their emphasis on paleo and carnivore ingredients.
I Heart Umami
Paleo dishes with loads of meats. Beautiful pictures that make you salivate. And what's best, if you're avoiding veggies for whatever reason, you can always leave them out of the recipe and only cook the meat instead. -
The Iron You
I may be sexist but somehow, every time I run into a recipe blog authored by a man, I automatically think he knows what he's doing and go through the recipe index with extra attention. Mike has tons and tons of both savory and sweet recipes with a cheese-enhanced paleo attitude. He seems to love cauliflower and broccoli, just like me, and I'll try his mashed cauliflower and cauliflower grilled cheese and broccoli casserole recipes immediately once I dare try vegetables again. (See this article for a longer explanation about my recent incident with veggies.) -
Chocolate Covered Katie
Now, this is a little different - all the recipes in this blog are vegan. And I'm not vegan. But that doesn't matter. The pictures are beautiful to look at. She has a killer keto coconut ice cream recipe that I love. Also those Ryan Reynolds blondies that I totally ate a whole batch of. And cauliflower tater tots which I will definitely have to try soon. Not to mention that her obvious love for chocolate makes her a very relatable person!
Hopefully you'll find these three blogs as inspirational as I do! (Although I have to admit I probably spend too much time looking at food pictures and searching for recipes. It's becoming a bad habit.)