Meatballs! Stockholm foodie adventures 2023

. 1 min read

Before I head off to Germany and the Caribbean, let's talk about my latest trip abroad: Stockholm last month. It was a short trip; we only had a few hours to explore the city. We decided to spend them in the old town.

Hungry for lunch, we stopped to eat in a restaurant that displayed a promising menu out front. They had Swedish meatballs. I wanted to try them. They served them with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam.

The food was delicious. The Swedes definitely make better meatballs than I do. I got a stomachache afterwards, though, but I think that was just because of my weird gut.

We also found a cute little licorice store where I got some raspberry chip white chocolate. I ate the whole package in the next 24 hours. (I generally mistake packages, regardless of size, for serving sizes.)

Despite my incredibly boring storytelling, it was quite the fun trip!