Miscellaneous psychological lessons of the day

. 1 min read

Miscellaneous psychological lessons of the day:

You're not sensitive, you're just tired.

God might be teaching you a lesson; you just don't know it yet.

Sometimes showing up is enough.

If life feels like a prison, something's wrong, and it might be some little thing you can control.

Do hanging knee raises. Hanging knee raises always help.

If your teeth are apart when you swallow you food, you're doing it wrong.

You can be funny and dorky and cool and a nerd at the same time.

There is such a thing as too smart for your own good.

You're not tired, you just have a messy home. Clean your home.

While stepping on toads is hardly anyone's idea of fun, looking up from the ground every once in a while might be a good idea. Toads know when to hop out of your way.

Every day is turn-aroundable.