Monday, finally

. 2 min read

Hello and greetings from Starbucks where I and my beyond amazing luck entered the place just before an infinite queue emerged from nowhere. I ordered my fall favorite and found a great seat by the window where I now sit, write this post, and sip my drink.

I'm looking forward to getting to the gym later, once I get some work out of the way. I haven't worked out since Thursday (well, at the gym at least, I've run or swum every day) and I can't wait to get to the rowing machine.

Which is totally different from rowing an actual boat, as I discovered last Friday when we took a small rowing boat out to the bay at our summerhouse. In real life, it's so easy and effortless. With the machine, you lose your breath and turn your muscles into acid in seconds.

Also, taking the weekend off from working is a double edged sword:

  1. One the one hand, the fall isn't a great time to take time off, if you want to earn your Christmas holiday.
  2. On the two hands, taking a deliberate day off when you know you can't afford it makes you eager to get the day over with so you can get back to grinding.
  3. Also, baby dachshunds. If you don't take your eyes off of work, you might miss them. They're everywhere. They're taking over the world.
  4. Also, work makes me happy. It might be because of the reasons for hustle (see link above) or because it's an end in itself. Either way. I care more about the end result. Which is happiness. Even if it's an illusion. (Though what isn't?)

In the summer, Mondays used to be my reading days - I would work little and just stay out of the heat and read. And don't get me wrong, I have Karamazov in the bag with me even today. But it might be just an hour, instead of six, haha.

I'm still doing this. At times, it's a miracle. I'm at the summit, I need a new mountain, or start building a skyscraper at the highest peak.

I could also pull out the hang glider, put it on, and jump off towards new climbs.