My ACTUAL new favorite food and other Zurich foodie adventures of 2023

. 2 min read

Yesterday, I talked about my new favorite food. I also made sure to clarify that it's my "favorite" because it's all I eat these days.

However, there are many foods I like more than that dish, particularly my new favorite food. If I could, I would eat my favorite food every day. But it's not very practical as I don't know if I can make it at home.

Let me tell you a story, one that dates back to June 2023...

My partner and I were visiting Zurich, Switzerland. It's my favorite country in the world and I was beyond excited to be there again. Zurich is a little different from Geneva, but both are absolutely lovely. Our hotel had a Michelin star restaurant on the ground floor where I got to taste the most amazing cuttlefish soup, not to mention the foie gras appetizers, and the thought of having all our dinners there did occur to us. But in the end, we chose not to take the easy route and decided to try this less obvious steakhouse in the following evening instead. It was a warm night and the restaurant's AC was broken, but we managed to get a table on the terrace. We picked our meats and ordered some smaller dishes to snack on while we waited for our steaks. I ordered a small steak tartare, my favorite food at the time. My partner ordered bone marrow; it looked weird and gelatinous and it came in the bone, apparently to be scooped out with a spoon. I asked him if I could taste his bone marrow. He agreed.

The moment the gelatinous goo touched my tongue, my favorite food switched from steak tartare to bone marrow - and by a huge margin.

The waiter came to ask how our food was and I told her my opinion of the bone marrow. She asked if I wanted one for myself. I immediately said yes. Shortly after that, I was enjoying my own serving of bone marrow and contemplating every possible definition of heaven, all of which seemed to revolve around the dish. (Don't worry, I ate the tartare and the main steak, too.)

I also had local kombucha in the Alps of Lucerne, exquisite coconut truffles from the Lindt factory, and Mövenpick espresso flavored ice cream; so needless to say that the trip to Zurich was legendary, not only in terms of adventure but also in terms of foodie greatness.

It's true that I had many delicious dishes during the trip. But one stood out, head and shoulders above the rest: the bone marrow. Since then, if a restaurant I've visited has had bone marrow on the menu, I have always ordered it. It's my new favorite food.

However, our trip to Amsterdam was a whole other story...