My DIY lingonberry ice cream recipe

. 1 min read

Since one of my fall 2024 principles is to not have added sugar for three months, I've had to give up my daily weekly pint of Häagen-Dazs. This is fine. But to quit ice cream altogether? Oh no. I need my fix. I just need to be creative about it.

Solution: make use of our ice cream churner and make my own ice cream. This is great for several reasons, namely:

  1. I get to control the ingredients, meaning, leaving out sugar and thus abiding by the no-sugar principle.  
  2. I get to control the flavor, meaning, I can make rum raisin and apple cinnamon and lingonberry and all kinds of flavors that they don't sell in the stores. (Remember, the rule stated no added sugar; berries and fruits are all right in small quantities.)
  3. The churner is heavy duty, meaning, it actually freezes the batter as it churns, so I'll have fresh, delicious ice cream ready to eat in 40 minutes or less.

Naturally, I've taken full advantage of these reasons and made my own ice cream almost daily this week. And because I have a big jar of fresh lingonberries in the fridge, I've taken full advantage of them and made lingonberry ice cream. Here's the recipe.

RK's sugar-free lingonberry ice cream for 1


  • 1 cup of organic heavy whipping cream
  • 2 egg yolks
  • fresh lingonberries according to taste (I use about 1/3 cups)


  1. Crush the lingonberries in a bowl with a fork.
  2. Add the egg yolks and mix.
  3. Add the cream and mix.
  4. Pour into an ice cream maker and churn according to instructions.

Bonus tip 1: You can add nutritional goodies to the crushed lingonberries for nutritional benefits. For example, I started adding gelatin to up my collagen intake. I find gelatin disgusting as is, but here, the lingonberries mask its taste and texture nicely.

Bonus tip 2: If you find the taste too sour, feel free to add some honey.

RK out.