My favorite frame from Calvin and Hobbes, for some absurd reason, is this

. 1 min read

I love Calvin and Hobbes. This most definitely isn't news. Another completely unsurprising fact is that I read every strip every year: I got the complete set - three hardcover volumes - as a Christmas present from my partner a few years back and have read it - one volume per four months - every year since then. Reading a few pages is part of my everyday morning routine.

Some of my favorite storylines from the entire collection include:

  1. Calvin creates a duplicate of his moral side.
  2. The duo creates an elaborate scheme to try and lure Susie to the back yard into a water balloon ambush (only to be outsmarted by her).
  3. The snow goon comes alive like the Frankenstein monster and begins creating a snow goon army.

But, for some absurd reason, my all-time favorite frame of the entire series is this:

Copyright: Bill Watterson

Sorry for the poor image quality - I found it on the Internet of all places. The point remains unspoiled, though. And a question arises.

Why, on Earth, for the love of God, is this my favorite frame? What is it about it that fascinates me? Why is why is why? Aliens chasing Spaceman Spiff, interplanetary explorer extraordinaire?

I have no idea.

That's all I came out here to say.  

RK out.