My initial thoughts on the Koran

. 1 min read

As mentioned in the post about what I'm reading right now, I finished the Bible for the first time in my life a while back and moved straight on to the Koran. I had no idea what to expect beforehand. I also had no idea how much it would revolve around the Bible.

So far, the main thing of the book seems to be to criticize Christians and Jews for following the faith wrong.

However, I was surprised to find out that the God in both books is the same. I find this delightful because according to my own religion, the God in every religion is the same God. It would seem that the Koran doesn't stand opposed to the God in the Bible, but rather, acknowledges that it is the right God, only that there's a right and a wrong way to follow him.

I don't expect to covert to Islam after reading the Koran, just as I didn't convert to Christianity after reading the Bible. But I admit that these books are fascinating - even if they're simply individual frameworks for living according to the will of the same God.

Highly recommended reading.

RK out.