My new book is out!

. 1 min read

Good news! After months of not publishing any of my own writing, my brand new book, Unspiration: What to Do When Nothing Feels Like Worth Doing, is out now!

Ahhh... you don't know how good it feels to finally write some non-fiction. Or maybe you do, in which case, you know exactly how good it feels! I've been writing long form fiction and editing picture books for so many months now that writing some fluffy non-fic feels like an ocean breeze. Or an evening walk. Or whatever nature-related metaphors there are.

About the book: it's a case study where I plan, execute, and report a strategy to extinguish my lack of inspiration. Late summer and early September, I was supposed to feel super excited about work projects for the fall. But for whatever reason, I wasn't. I felt empty and drained and not at all like working the notorious butt off. Something had to be done, and I reckoned I had the power to do said something.

In the book, I analyze the possible reasons for my unspiration (coined a new term!), make a plan with practical activities to take me as far as possible from those reasons and towards their opposites, create a daily schedule to follow blindly during the challenge, and then report back on the execution of the schedule and the strategies.

The book is very personal, and it took some courage to publish it. But there might be someone in a similar situation out there, someone who could benefit from seeing me go through the exact same thing. The possibility of giving someone hope by sharing my experience is worth it.

Here's the link again in case you want to check it out!