My new favorite food

. 1 min read

Now that it's the fall and I repeatedly forget to eat, I find that I gravitate towards dishes that fill me up for the entire day's needs in one sitting. For this purpose, my new favorite food (meaning that since I eat it every day, I have learned to crave it instead of something else) works wonderfully. For example, today I only ate once, and it was this dish.

Here it is: **drum roll** Ground beef with a sliced boiled egg.

It's so good. Which is to say that if I ate pizza every day, I might think it's disgusting. But I don't really eat pizza. I eat this. Thus, it's great.

It's yummy and healthy and it satisfies me both physically and mentally. My mood is clear. My stomach is happy. It's only at 9 pm when I realize that that one plateful was all I ate that day.

Here's the recipe:

  1. Boil an egg for 7 minutes. After the egg is boiled, crack the shell slightly against a flat surface and place in cold water to cool while you cook the beef.
  2. Cook the beef. Use at least 17 % fat (max 83 % lean) beef if you can. You can grease the pan with butter or bacon fat if you want to. (Pro tip: cook a few slices of bacon first and then cook the beef in the rendered bacon fat. The cooked bacon can be enjoyed as an appetizer or crushed on top of the beef/egg dish as garnish.)
  3. Peel and slice the egg and place it in a bowl. Plate the beef (and optional bacon) on top. Add salt and/or butter if you want to. Enjoy.

I wouldn't be surprised if this dish ends up keeping me alive until November 30th.


P.S. Did I mention that I had my culinary mind irrevocably blown in Zürich last June when I tried a particular dish for the first time? Stay tuned for a report of my foodie adventures this year!