My weekly schedule 2024

. 2 min read

As much as I believe that you don’t need a weekend to rest from work, I do enjoy a good daily schedule. Now that I have a dog, every day has a certain rhythm that revolves around his meal and potty times. On top of that, I’ve had a loose weekly schedule this year. Let’s see if I can remember how it’s been for the past seven months.

Mondays - I don’t remember the Mondays, so skip this. They used to be for reading books and admin stuff. Now, it’s just another day like the rest, trying to get stuff done while hoping that the dog cooperates.

Tuesdays have been, all year, the day for Lego building. I bought some cool Lego sets this winter and have been strategically rationing them out for the year so that the fun won’t end too soon. Now, each Tuesday, I build one step (one numbered plastic bag) of my current Lego project. See future articles to see which one I’m building right now, which one I’m going to build this autumn, and which one I’ve been saving for my December holiday of 2024 all year from January!

Wednesdays have been movie days. Last New Year’s, I created a list of 52 movies I’ve never seen but should see because they a) are general knowledge or b) intrigue me in some way. I’ve watched one movie off the list each Wednesday all year so far. (This is similar to my TV show project of 2023, when I watched all kinds of famous series, but only for one month each.) Stay tuned for an article about the movies, my best recommendations from them, and the ones that surprised me.

Thursdays and Fridays have been inbetweener days this year, like Mondays, so nothing to see here. Getting some things done. Very general, very ordinary.  

Saturdays have been days when my husband and I drive to the metropolis close to our home town and sit in a cafe, reading or working. We’ve also used the opportunity to restock coffee pods and raid the local bookstore. I love these trips. I reminisce with warmth a couple of weekends in March when we spent hours upon hours in the cafe, both working on our respective projects, drinking too much coffee (and energy drinks on top).

Sundays have been road trip days, and when I say road trip, I mean driving around aimlessly, perhaps shooting some drone videos or swimming in lakes or getting drive-through or reading books in scenic places. So much fun. I’m so grateful that our puppy enjoys driving as much as we do - it would’ve broken my heart if he’d hated it. (Same with hotels. He’s great at hotels, thank the lord.)

Now that I read this, I realize that only those Tuesdays and Wednesdays are worth mentioning. But oh well. Perhaps I'll find my extensive report amusing later.

RK out.