New ways to tackle depression

. 1 min read

As per the teaser in this article from the other day, here are some updated tips on how to tackle depression. These are from my book, Shield Against Depression: A Simple Change to Boost Your Mental Health.

  1. Make your life busy. Pack your days with activities. Have a full calendar.
  2. Make your life hard. Do difficult things. Take on challenges and responsibilities.

And here's another one, not from the book but it's so obvious it has to be mentioned:

3. Create a sense of progress in your life, be it acquiring a skill or lifting increasingly heavy weights at the gym or educating yourself on a subject.

Personally, here's a list of how I've honored these tips recently:

  1. Busy: aside from activating WIP, I'm taking on more publishing work again after a 7-month sabbatical.
  2. Hard: I got a dog.
  3. Progress: I spent last winter and spring learning to draw in perspective, and I'm reading the Bible.

And here's what I'm planning to do in the fall:

  1. Busy: more publishing work, and season 2 of The Weekly Wyat is finally coming up!
  2. Hard: no sugar for three months, and going to the gym.  
  3. Progress: studying physics, reading the Quran.

On top of all this, I'm sure I can find more ways to make my life busier and harder and more progressive - stay tuned for updates.

RK out.