Post-nap clarity

. 1 min read

The headache continues. I've been completely useless all morning. I know I can't afford to be, but I also know that if I don't get over this now, it'll continue for another day, and that's something I can afford even less.

Also I just took a good nap and it helped tremendously.

If I were smart, I'd use the nap-induced mental clarity to get something done, work-wise.

But all I really want to do is... declutter.

Ahh, it's the new me again.

Seriously, though - I'm sure that if I just decided to be super productive and promised myself to take another nap if the headache returned, I bet I could do it all. Get the work stuff out of the way... and get rid of one two old broken winter coats. And some old jewelry with zero usability or sentimental value. And I could reorganize my closets...

I feel like today would be a good day to do all those things. I seem somehow more objective than usually. Or rather, the new me is more on the foreground right now and she makes way better decisions than the old me.

I also need something to eat. Pronto.

RK out.