Post title stress disorder

The Worth in Progress site is published with the help of the Ghost platform. After throwing my prejudices about markdown language out the window (I'm used to using a basic text editor) and trying the whole writing an article straight to the platform style, I soon found Ghost easy and convenient to work with. The layout is clear; there's an easy way to export all data; and I like the tagging system, to name a few.

One funny thing, though. When you open an empty template for a new article, it says, in light gray, "Post title" in the title box. You're supposed to write you own title there, and then write the article in the text box below. So far so good. But what I like to do - as explained in this article - is to write down the title in the title box ahead of time, and then write the article itself later, sometimes even days or weeks later. Meaning that

  1. sometimes I can't remember what I was thinking about when I wrote the title, or
  2. I start writing the article according to the idea behind it, and then change my mind during the writing process, which is probably worse.

You see, with Ghost, if you change the title after you've written it in the title box, the URL the platform generates for that article does not update itself. In order to get the right URL, you need to

  1. delete the article (that only has a title so far) and create a new one with the better title, or
  2. fix the URL manually (if you already have text) by going to the sidebar, finding the URL box, and typing the desired URL in the old one's place.

All this trouble is the reason I get this made-up syndrome called the post title stress disorder. Pun intended. The syndrome causes me not only to worry if the content of the article is properly in line with the title, but also to check the URL box to see if it got the title right, especially if I visited another tab during the title writing process.

Luckily, the syndrome isn't life threatening. It can be averted by writing the article in the same sitting with writing the title and using titles that have no weird words the spelling of which you need to check while writing them. And if you still suffer from the syndrome, a large cup of hot tea usually helps - since the problem isn't actually with Ghost, but with your nerves.